Wednesday, May 26, 2010

2012 Part 2

Mitt Romney
As the son of former Michigan governor George Romney, Mitt seems to be doing well in continuing the family business. Just as his father served as governor in the typically very blue state of Michigan, Mitt served as governor of Massachusetts from 2003 to 2007. This proves that he has the ability to put the northeast in play during the general election. Some of these states haven't voted Republican for president since Ronald Reagan carried 49 states in his 1984 reelection. Mitt was also able to mount the closest thing Ted Kennedy ever had to a tough reelection in 1994. Romney has a proven track record of being a good executive, be it of a state or in the private sector. Romney is a self made multi multi millionaire. His fortune was made from Romney's company that he co-founded, Bain Capitol. Romney also has a impressive education credentials. He has a law degree and and MBA, both of which were earned at Harvard. Romney is credited for having done a good job running the 2002 winter Olympics. This type of private sector experience makes him a very viable candidate to debate Obama on economic policy.

While he has many things going his way, Romney has a few potentially big problems both in the general and primary. Romney's positions on social issues have not been consistent. As a gubernatorial candidate, Romney was pro-choice. In the socially liberal northeast this is necessary for almost any candidate. During the 08 presidential campaign, Romney ran as a social conservative. This apparent flipflop could hurt him at any point during the 2012 campaign. An issue that could have a very significant impact, depending on how the message war goes, is what has come to be known as "Romneycare." As governor, Romney's signature policy achievement was universal healthcare for everyone is MA. This policy is actually more progessive than the healthcare reform recently passed by the Obama administration. While the bill accomplished a longtime liberal goal of health insurance for the vast majority people, the bill has done little to nothing to reduce the increasing costs of health care. Romney's Mormon faith could also come into play. While it could hurt him, another former Massachusetts politician (JFK) became the first ever Catholic president.

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